N-cast #218: Endelig tale...

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The Plucky Squire annonceret

Skrevet af JOEP - 10-06-2022 06:47

I går kom det frem, at en af Pokémon-designerne James Turner har forladt Game Freak for at lave sit eget studie, All Possible Futures. Lidt overraskende, så kunne han også annoncere sit første spil, The Pliucky Squire, som står til udgivelse i 2023. Du kan i traileren herunder se, hvordan det ser ud:

Spillet vil som du kan fornemme skifte mellem 2D og 3D. Synes du, det ser interessant ud?

1ups givet


#1 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

10-06-2022 06:47

The Plucky Squire follows the magical adventures of Jot and his friends – storybook characters who discover a three-dimensional world outside the pages of their book. When the malevolent Humgrump realizes he’s the villain of the book – destined to lose his battle against the forces of good for all eternity – he kicks the heroic Jot out of its pages and changes the story forever.

Jump between 2D and 3D worlds in this charming action adventure – solving puzzles, boxing badgers, flying with a jetpack, and enjoying many more delightful and surprising mini challenges as you become the hero of a living storybook.

1ups givet

#2 - JOEP

Level: 50 (Torizo)

10-06-2022 06:49

Synes det her ser super interessant ud!
1ups givet

#3 - Jonezy

Level: 18 (Twhomp)

10-06-2022 17:17

Stort potentiale. Klart på radaren. Smiley

1ups givet